Marple Community Hub scheme
Comments on new Hub site layout published February 2024
The following comments on the updated Community Hub site layout presented at a Key Stakeholder Meeting on 8 February 2024 were submitted to Stockport Council on 19 February, along with a response to their questions about access. We encouraged the council to take these onboard before making their planning application.
Although Friends of Marple Memorial Park are thankful that many of the comments we made in our Response to the September 2023 Consultation have been incorporated into the updated scheme (and it is now far better for that) sadly the detailed engagement we had hoped for, and were led to expect, just hasn't happened.
A Note for the Record was submitted with the new comments explaining our disappointment at not being treated in the way we feel we deserve.
Marple Community Hub scheme
The following comments on the updated Community Hub site layout presented at a Key Stakeholder Meeting on 8 February 2024 were submitted to Stockport Council on 19 February, along with a response to their questions about access. We encouraged the council to take these onboard before making their planning application.
Although Friends of Marple Memorial Park are thankful that many of the comments we made in our Response to the September 2023 Consultation have been incorporated into the updated scheme (and it is now far better for that) sadly the detailed engagement we had hoped for, and were led to expect, just hasn't happened.
A Note for the Record was submitted with the new comments explaining our disappointment at not being treated in the way we feel we deserve.
Comments on new Hub site layout published February 2024
Having reviewed the new site plan layout in more detail after it was made available online following the Key Stakeholder Meeting on 8 February, Friends of the Park have further comments now that we can zoom in and see the details properly and had time to consider.
Click + to expand for more details...
Vehicular access to Bowling Pavilion Store
Key Issue 1: Vehicular access will be a major issue for Friends of the Park and Park Maintenance
Friends of the Park regularly transport equipment and materials to and from the park. Currently we and the Parks Maintenance Team (TLC) have vehicular access to pick-up, drop-off and to park outside our shared equipment storage and mess room in the former Bowling Pavilion, and also to access our smaller tool store at the end of the Bowlers' Hut.
Access for one vehicle and occasionally two in this area (next to the existing toilet block) is essential to support Friends of the Park's regular task days and our frequent visits to carry out activities for the benefit of the park. TLC Parks Maintenance also use this area extensively for their own works vehicles.
It is crucial that we continue to have vehicular access to this area throughout the construction phase of the hub and after the facility is built.
We have highlighted this as a key issue since our comments on the first Hub proposals in 2020 and 2021.
Factors of concern include the reduced distance between Hollins House and the new Hub building, that this area will be a pedestrian only access due to the narrow width, and that the present direct route to it will be blocked by EV and disabled parking, making the only other viable route(s) very restricted and potentially unsafe.
It is essential this issue is resolved for the long-term benefit of the park and we urge the design team to discuss vehicular access for maintenance with Friends of the Park and TLC's park and playground maintenance teams. Vehicular access to all areas of the park should also be fully understood and catered for before the scheme is finalised.
Further clarification (in response to questions from council):
- Access is required to the store on any weekday between 7am - 7pm and also at weekends.
- The size of vehicle is usually an SUV, sometimes a larger van.
- Pick-up / drop-off of all kinds of equipment including hand tools, gardening tools, large power tools, displays, tables, chairs, gazebos, weights, timber, hardware supplies, plants and shrubs etc.
- Note that Friends of the Park access is normally less onerous than TLC during week days.
- TLC vehicles are larger than those used by Friends of the Park.
- TLC and Friends of the Park may require access at the same time.
Position for future Bandstand
Comment S: Design should incorporate provision for a bandstand
It has long been an aspiration of Friends of the Park and the Brass Bands of Marple to have a bandstand within the park. This would be a great addition to the overall scheme but even if not affordable the design should include space to accommodate one in the future.
So as part of the design the most suitable location and provisions for a bandstand to be added later should be identified. This should be discussed with the Brass Bands of Marple and the Friends of the Park please.
Comment on new Site Layout
The position suggested on the new site layout is not appropriate for what is only a potential future addition. It is too central for something that may not happen and occupies prime play area space. The location suggested should be used as a key part of the overall Play Park scheme, see below.
If the most suitable future location for a bandstand had been discussed with Friends of the Park as suggested then we would have advised the area between the band room on Stockport Road and the play park be used, as indicated on the annotated site plan.
Designated Play Park Area
Previous comments and discussions:
We made extensive comments on the Play Park element during the consultation, followed by face-to-face discussions with the Hub Team and Neighbourhood Team on this in October 2023.
It is disappointing that the area allocated to the Play Park is greatly reduced compared to what was discussed in October, in part to make provision for the bandstand, which may never happen.
Comment on new Site Layout
As we have explained at length before, we would like to see the Play Park Area maximised even if the Hub budget will not cover all the equipment it could contain. Friends of the Park and the Marple Community has a fantastic track record of raising funds for improvements in the park and we asked you to design a scheme that would create extra space for future infill with new equipment funded by the local community. The space currently designated for the bandstand should be included in this and the overall Play Park Area should be extended as we have indicated on the annotated plan.
Desire line path in Woodland next to new building
Comment K: Pathways need to accommodate desire lines: please discuss
A lot more thought needs to be put into understanding desire lines around the building and the pathways redesigned to accommodate where park visitors will want to go. We recommend this is done with input from people who use the park on a daily basis and we would be happy to take part in these discussions.
Comment on new Site Layout
There is a clear desire line between the path from Station Road direct to the “Reading Circle” Frog sited in the woodland. People will follow this desire line whether a path is provided or not and wear one to the Frog.
Please provide a path to accommodate this as indicated on the annotated plan.
Ornamental Planting between end of Hub building and Play Park areas
There is significant area of new ornamental planting shown on the new site layout.
Currently all flowerbeds in the park are maintained by Friends of Marple Memorial Park, not TLC. If it is proposed to add ornamental planting and the council are expecting the Group to maintain them with volunteers, then all aspects of this should be discussed in detail and agreed with Friends of the Park to ensure that it is suitable and within their capacity to take this extra work on.
Refer to Annotated Plan 1 for above comments:
Existing key-controlled access to park at SW corner of Hollins House must be maintained
Comment C: Existing key-controlled access to park at SW corner of Hollins House must be maintained
The existing chained entrance to the park at the SW corner of Hollins House is not shown on the plan and it is not clear if there is still key-controlled access for vehicles.
The existing controlled access is essential to the operation of the park and must be maintained. It is used by the council's Parks and Buildings Maintenance Teams, by contractors and by Friends of the Park for delivery of plants and materials, including topsoil delivered by HGV / Hi-ab. It is also a key access route for events such as Marple Carnival, the Ride of Remembrance and the Family Treasure Hunt. So it is essential that key-controlled access to the park via this route is maintained.
Comment on new Site Layout
It is not clear from the new layout if or how this comment has been dealt with. The access appears to be blocked by two parking spaces that also have removable bollards.
Please discuss and clarify how access will work at this location.
Look at widening path on NE side of Hollins House to include cycles
Comment B: Look at widening path on NE side of Hollins House to include cycles
The Highways Overview shows the existing path on the NE side of Hollins House as a footway only. We are concerned that cyclists heading for the Hub will not always dismount and this will put pedestrians at risk. Friends of the Park would be happy to discuss the possibility of widening the existing path to become a shared footway / cycleway.
Comment on new Site Layout
This comment does not appear to have been addressed.
Leaving this as the only section of pathway in the area not renewed will make it look very untidy as the path and kerbs are not in great condition. Also, mounted cyclists will wish to proceed all the way to the cycle parking near the Hub entrance, placing pedestrians at risk. If it isn't widened for cycling then our original concern remains and needs to be addressed for safety reasons.
Refer to Annotated Plan 2 for last two comments:
Improvements to the Park Entrance
Feature 4: We support the new crossing at Stockport Rd but the main entrance needs a serious make-over
We support the addition of the new signal crossing but the whole entrance needs a well considered make-over and this is the ideal opportunity.
We have the following comments:
Please clarify the extent of removal of the shrub bed bordering the cinema and adjacent to the left hand side path going into the park.
The historic features of the old bridge that used to carry the road over the canal arm into Hollins Mill must not be harmed and should be preserved with interpretation.
There is a serious drainage issue at the main pathway entrance to the park adjacent to our welcome board. Whenever there is heavy rain a huge puddle forms that the soak-away drain simply cannot cope with. Please address and resolve this as part of these works.
There is a major problem with BIFFA wagons accessing the service road behind the Hollins. They have knocked over many of the cast iron bollards as they manoeuvre around the corner and continue to do so. There is also a serious problem of people parking on the pavements and double yellows both sides of Memorial Park Drive near to the entrance in order to visit Greggs. This is exacerbated by the loss of cast iron bollards caused by the BIFFA wagons. Can these issues be addressed as part of these works please?
Our welcome / notice board at the main entrance is reaching the end of its useful life, both as a notice board because it leaks, but also because the large interpretation panel includes a map of the park and its facilities. This will become out-of-date due to the Community Hub scheme. We would welcome help and support from the council and its contractors to upgrade or replace this as part of the overall Hub scheme.
Comment on new Site Layout
We made extensive comments on Highways “Feature 4” concerning issues at the park entrance, including preservation of heritage, resolution of drainage and traffic issues. The latter includes constant damage done by Biffa wagons accessing the rear of The Hollins shopping precinct and illegal parking on double yellow lines and pavements. We raised this at the “Key Stakeholder” Meeting but as Highways were not present we did not feel reassured this will be addressed.
A full response to our consultation comments
We understand that a document will be published by the council giving a full and detailed response to all the comments made by ourselves and other respondents to the consultation.
We look forward to this document being made available.