A smaller turn-out than we've been getting for a while on this special task day to celebrate National Civic Day and Marple Civic Society's 50th Anniversary. Lost of local groups carried out tasks throughout the Marple area during the morning and then in the afternoon joined Marple Civic Society to celebrate with a picnic lunch and entertainment from Marple's Brass Bands. In the morning we managed to weed the ornamental flowerbeds, which and now getting well established, put another coat of paint on the Bowling Green buildings, tidy the shrub bed near to the Junior Play Area and even do a crown-lift on trees that were swamping the benches near to the Park Keeper's Cottage.

In the afternoon Emily Myers collected a certificate from MP Andrew Stunell to commemorate our participation in National Civic Day. Visit the Marple Website Virtual History Tour for more photos from the Civic Day celebrations.