Task Day 24 February 2024The sunshine was a lovely welcome for our first task day of the year!

Our task days are off to a slow start this year due to other commitments of Mark and Gill who normally lead them. They are sadly winding down their involvement in the group over the coming couple of months, and this is expected to be the penultimate task day they will lead. The last should be Saturday 30 March, if other demands on their time allow.

Although the weather was great the park is still incredibly wet, so volunteers focused on removing the grass that has been taking hold on the French Boules Court, and a good cut-back and tidy-up of the War Memorial Beds. An overdue litter-pick was also completed and volunteers admired the tidy-up of our store during tea break!

New volunteer task leaders needed

The group is appealing for new volunteers who would like to get involved in leading task days. Spaces are currently available for task leader and power-tools training with the council on Saturday 20 April 2024 to get you started. So if this is of interest, now is the perfect time to sign-up! Please get in touch here.